On Friday, September 12th, Rocky Mountain Creation Fellowship is presenting a Christian apologetic talk from its President, Mr. Brian Catalucci.
In 1993 Brian graduated with a MS in Computer Science and Engineering from the University of Colorado at Boulder. Brian is presently President of Rocky Mountain Creation Fellowship (RMCF) in Denver, Colorado and is a frequent speaker for RMCF on a variety of Creation Science topics, including Biblical Creation and the inerrancy of Scripture. He has appeared on both TV and radio shows on Creation Science topics. Brian is presently an adjunct speaker for Answers in Genesis.
The title of Brian’s talk that evening will be Always be Ready. The apostle Peter told us in 1 Peter 3:, always being ready to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give an account for the hope that is in you, yet with gentleness and respect. The defense of the Christian faith is the responsibly of every Christian.
Many speakers have come to RMCF to teach us great truths about the Scriptures and about science. We can use this ammunition in our witnessing to the lost. But we must remember this is a post modern generation - a culture who is no longer Christian and doesn’t want to hear about absolute truths: everything is relative and one must never be divisive. We often hear that a Christian must approach any learning or teaching with a neutral attitude (read non-Christian here). We can’t do science or history or whatever and bring our Christian worldview with us.
Folks, nothing can be further from the truth. We represent a God who is Truth. We have His worldview. How can we work in the world without His Biblical worldview? Not only is that unbiblical, it is immoral. Col 2:3 tells us that “all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge are hidden in Christ.” It doesn’t matter if you are studying the Civil War or Astrophysics. Your Biblical worldview must always be with you.
Since Jesus is the Way and the Truth and the Life, to not have Christ in your every thought and action is to be misled and spiritually lost. Proverbs 1:7 tells us that the fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge, not the end.
It is immoral to
keep Jesus out of your thinking and learning because as believers
we are set apart from the world by God’s truth. By not bringing
the Lord with us in everything we do, no one can tell the difference
between our thinking and the thinking of the lost. We either
refuse to trust God's Word or we refuse to follow the mindset of
the world. Brian will discuss how we can better witness to this
present culture. A DVD will be available after the talk and free
refreshments are in the fellowship hall.