Dr. Dale Hudson

Talk: Drive By Apologetics
Date: August 8th, 7:00pm

RMCF is privileged to have as its’ August speaker, Dr. Dale Hudson. Dr. Hudson is a noted Creationist and lecturer and last spoke for RMCF in the winter of 2003. Dr. Hudson has practiced dental medicine in Denver for 27 years, and has presented Creationist seminars at local churches and youth groups over the last nine years. He is currently teaching creation and apologetics at New Community Church,. His topic will be on Creation and it’s effect on the Church and the world.

The title of Dr. Hudson's talk will be “Drive By Apologetics.” What about apologetics in the current postmodernist era? It is a real tough atmosphere to witness in today. The spiritual climate in our culture has changed, even in the last ten years.

We study Creation topics so we can better strengthen the Body of Christ and the lost the truth of Christ. Sometimes we get frustrated in how the lost view reality in today's environment and we have a tough time keeping their attention. Maybe we are still be fighting the last war with last war weapons when a new war has emerged where we need to use new weapons.

In other words, in fishing for men, we may need new bait. A better way of presenting the truth so it can reach the lost. Dr. Hudson will present a new approach to Creation and Christian apologetics.

Dr. Hudson has given a superior answer to the timely question "Why does God allow evil in the world?" Because of His Mercy, He has delayed the total destruction of the universe which Justice requires as consequence of Adam's sin. The root of the "evil fruit tree" (which bears abortion, school violence, homosexuality, etc.) is the rejection of moral absolutes, making way for "My Rules" vs. God's rules. God's rules derive from His authority as Creator; Humanistic rules ("My Rules") follow from evolutionary philosophy, which is at the root of every religion on earth save the Judeo-Christian world view.

Don't miss this opportunity to experience Dr. Hudson's expertise and interesting presentation style. After his talk, free refreshments will be available in our fellowship area. The RMCF Library will also be at the meeting. Hope to see you there!

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