Rocky Mountain Creation Fellowship is privileged to have as our June speaker, Dr. Vern Peterman. Dr. Peterman holds a BS in Civil Engineering, which included a substantial background in Geology and Geotechnical Engineering, an MBA in Business Management, and a Doctor of Ministry. His work background includes Civil and Mechanical Engineering, Forensic Engineering, Marketing and Accounting. For the last 6 1/2 years he has been a pastor and Elder at the Holly Hills Bible Church, which hosts RMCF at its facilities in Denver, Colorado.
When Dr. Peterman began his geology studies, they began from an old-earth standpoint, since that's what they taught as fact as than time. But in his concurrent fieldwork and classroom studies he began studying the young earth perspective, including books and the Creation Research Society quarterly.
He attended several ICR seminars. In his independent investigations, he made a trip around the western US, along with additional reading, substantial calling and writing letters to scientists, noting limestone cave feature (stalactites & stalagmites) growth rate, he accepted the young earth model of geology.
He switched to civil engineering in 1973, receiving his degree from San Jose State University in June 1977 and professional engineering (PE) registration in 1980. Dr. Peterman received his M.B.A. in Business Management from Golden Gate University in 1986 and his Doctor of Ministry from Tyndale Theological Seminary in July 2001.
Dr. Peterman will be speaking on a seldom discussed topic, Creation, Evolution and Gender. His talk will sharply contrast the origins of the views on gender from both the Creation and Evolution worldview. Additionally, he will address some very relevant and controversial issues and questions, such as: 1. How was human gender begun, and what is its purpose (or lack of it), 2. What are the implications of each worldview for marriage, singleness and modern culture, 3. How many genders are there?, 4. Does human gender come from animals and accidents - or from God?, 5. Does marriage - or singleness - even matter any more?, 6. Are gays and lesbians really born that way?
This should be
an enlightening discussion, which is seldom ever discussed in churches
these days. Please let those in your church know about these teachings.
They usually won’t ever hear these topics elsewhere. There
will be refreshments after the meeting in our fellowship hall and
there is no cost for this engagement. To become a member of RMCF,
please call RMCF at (303) 525-5500 or email us at [email protected].
A DVD will be made of Dr. Peterman’s talk and will be available
that evening. Hope to see you all there