Mr. Mike Gendron

Talk 1: The Death of Discernment
Talk 2: Catholics and Evangelicals: How Different Are We?
Date: May 9th, 7:00pm

RMCF is privileged to have Mr. Mike Gendron from Proclaiming the Gospel Ministry as its May speaker. Mike is Director and founder of Proclaiming the Gospel Ministry, a 17-year-old evangelistic outreach to those who are lost in religion. (see

The ministry conducts short term missions' trips and evangelistic seminars in churches throughout the world and has 17,000 subscribers in 50 states and 40 foreign countries. His popular booklets, Roman Catholicism: Scripture vs. Tradition, Have You Ever Been Deceived, Which Jesus Will You Trust and Is A Roman Catholic Christian An Oxymoron?, have a combined circulation of well over a million copies.

Evangelist Mike Gendron holds a degree in Applied Mathematics and worked in the space program at Cape Kennedy for 3 years. Prior to going into the ministry, he received an MBA from the University of Texas at Dallas. He is a 1992 graduate of Dallas Theological Seminary and a frequent speaker at conferences such as The Steeling the Mind Bible Conference, and The Word of Life Conference Centers in NY and Florida.

Mike will be speaking twice that evening. His first talk will be The Death of Discernment. What is the major cause for the lack of discernment today? Many are saying it is due to a steady decline in biblical preaching. Many pastors are more interested in entertaining the goats than feeding the sheep. As a result, the most critical issue in the church today is defending the purity of the Gospel. The Bible must be the rudder that guides the Church through the stormy waters that have been stirred up by every wind of doctrine.

If the Body of Christ does not start practicing discernment, we are headed for serious trouble because the enemies of the Gospel are more outspoken than we are. Every Christian is called to discern the truth of God's Word from doctrinal error so that the name of Jesus Christ will be fully glorified, honored and praised!

Mike’s second talk is entitled Catholics and Evangelicals: How Different Are We? Seven major differences between Evangelicals and Catholics are highlighted along with the Biblical response to those who are being deceived.

The two faiths submit to different authorities, read different Bibles, trust different Christs, believe different Gospels, teach different views of sin, follow different orders of salvation, and most importantly, have different paths to eternity.

You can pick up a DVD video of Mike’s talks after his presentations. Mike will also have copies of his ministries' DVD’s and books at the meeting. There will be refreshments after the meeting in our fellowship hall. See you there.

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