Mr. Carl Kerby

Talk 1: Remote Control: The Power of Hollywood on Today’s Culture
Talk 2: Jurassic Park or Jesus: Who Knows More?
Date: February 8th, 7:00pm

Rocky Mountain Creation Fellowship is honored and privileged to have Mr. Carl Kirby from Answers in Genesis as its’ February Fellowship speaker.

Carl, who is one of AiG’s most dynamic lecturers on the book of Genesis, is a founding board member of AiG. He is also considered the ‘father’ of AiG’s highly popular website (with up to 50,000 daily visits!). In addition to being AiG’s vice president for ministry relations , Carl manages to conduct several faith-building AiG meetings each year.

His passion is to proclaim the authority and accuracy of the Bible, and Carl does so in a highly effective way for all audiences. He is much in demand as a speaker to both young people and adults. As a former air traffic controller at Chicago’s busy O’Hare International Airport, Carl’s thrilling testimony has been shared in churches throughout America.

From his air traffic control days, Carl states that whenever an air traffic controller looses his focus, the trainers immediately tell them to go to the bottom of the plane list that they have in front of them. Carl then related that this is how Christianity should work. When we get confused about the issues of the day, we must go to the bottom of the list, the foundation if you will, which is the Word of God, specifically the book of Genesis. His big focus was how the church must get back to believing the Scriptures fully, and that this would help in our evangelism.

Carl has been in great demand and has been speaking just about non stop for the last few years. Carl told of some interesting interactions with people at a speaking session in Parkersburg WV:

“Here in Parkersburg, WV, I had an interesting comment. A public school teacher came up to me after the talks and said, “I’m a Christian and a public school teacher. Everything that I’ve taught over the years contradicted what you taught today. You’ve now convinced me that I was wrong!” Very cool! I had another elderly lady really have a go at me about the gap theory. We talked about it for about 20 minutes and she just couldn’t accept that there was no gap. She ended her part with that it just didn’t matter to her salvation. So I challenged her with, “What about the salvation of the next generation? If you are free to compromise on what the Bible teaches so clearly in Genesis why can’t they compromise where it states that Jesus is the only way to salvation?” She thought for a moment and then said, I can understand what you mean about reaching the next generation, I’ve got to think about this.”

Carl will be speaking twice that nigh. Here is his talk information:

Remote Control:  The Power of Hollywood on Today’s Culture

Today’s Christians are so used to the teaching of millions of years and evolution that they no longer notice how prevalent it is in our everyday lives.  In this talk Carl shares numerous examples from Comic books, TV, Movies etc. showing how much indoctrination is taking place.  Even in ‘family friendly’ materials there are blatant teachings that are undermining our young peoples ability to trust the Word of God.  This talk will help Christians to get their ‘radar’ turned on in order to catch these falsehoods. It will also teach parents how they can use the media as a way to start communicating the truth of God’s Word.

Jurassic Park or Jesus:  Who Knows More?

Ask this question in the church today and almost every Christian will ‘say’ Jesus!  The only problem is that when asked specific questions about dinosaurs Christians will answer with a ‘Jurassic Park’ mentality!  Using clips from the wildly popular ‘Jurassic Park’ movies Carl shares what is being taught in the movies but then contrasts it with what the Bible teaches and science really shows.  This is a very powerful multi-media presentation that will help all to differentiate between ‘fact’ and ‘fiction’!

Bring a friend to the meeting, especially one who thinks Creation and Genesis is not important. There will be  refreshments after the meeting in our fellowship hall and there is no cost for this engagement. If you are interested in becoming a member of RMCF, please call RMCF at (303) 525-5500 or email us at [email protected]. DVD’s will be made of Carl’s talks and will be available that evening. Hope to see you all there.

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