Dr. Kurt Wise

Talk: Fossil's, an Ice Age and Hypercanes
Date: October 14th, 7:00pm

On Friday, October 12th, Rocky Mountain Creation Fellowship is honored to have Dr. Kurt Wise as its monthly speaker. Dr. Wise is a  Professor of Science & Theology at Southern Baptist Theological Seminary in Louisville, KY and the Director of the Center for Science & Theology at Southern Baptist Theological Society, also in Louisville, KY. Dr. Wise will be speaking twice that evening.

He attended Harvard University in  Cambridge, MA., where his principal advisor was  Stephen Jay Gould.  He graduated in March, 1984 with an M.A. in geology and in June, 1989 with a Ph.D. in Geology. During his academic years 1982/3 thru 1985/6 he was a  Teaching Fellow in various courses at Harvard University, including Stephen Jay Gould's introductory geology/biology course.

He was Assistant Professor of Science, Division of Mathematics and Natural Science at Bryan College, Dayton, TN where he taught: Introductory Biology, Biology Senior Seminar, Philosophy and Ethics of Science, Origins, Calculus-Based Physics, and Algebra-Based Physics. He also was the Director of the Center of Origins Research at Bryan College. Dr. Wise was a Visiting Assistant Professor of Paleontology at the Institute for Creation Research and is currently a science consultant for Answers in Genesis. He is the author of the book, Faith, Form, and Time: What the Bible Teaches and Science Confirms About Creation and the Age of the Universe.

Dr. Wise’s first talk will be on The Floating Forest. The Flood of Noah would have involved great turbulence, erosion, sedimentation and subsidence in association with the ‘fountains of the great deep’, the rising waters, volcanic activity and earth movements. The evidence that the vegetation which formed the ‘Carboniferous’ Euro-American coals was not ‘grown in place’, but consisted of huge mats of floating forest washed into place as part of a sedimentary sequence. The evidence is not just suggestive, it is overwhelming.

The fact that such obvious evidence continues to be overlooked or ignored speaks volumes. Dr. Wise will show that the vegetation which formed the Euro-American coals did not, and could not, have grown in place. In fact, the roots of these now-extinct trees were not growing in soil at all, but floating in water! He states that these floating forest give very good fossil sequences for evolution, especially for the so called Paleozoic era and the transitional forms between fish and amphibians, but not for the reasons that evolutionists believe.

His second talk will be on Morphing Moles and Moving Mountains.  During and after this great flood there was major geologic catastrophes and rapid  change in organisms. There was a time of a wild post flood period that caused rapid change not only the in earth's geology but also in many organisms. Dr Wise also states that he believes in the “horse sequence” as they all did exist but are not evidence for evolution. This should be a fascinating talk.

There is no cost for this RMCF engagement and a DVD of Dr. Wise’s presentation will be available after the meeting. The RMCF library will be available that night as well as the RMCF bookstore. Bring your scientist friends and relatives to hear these talks on flood geology and post flood changes to our earth, animals and environment. They surely show what the Bible teaches: that this is a young earth after all!

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