Rocky Mountain Creation Fellowship is privileged to have as our
October speaker, our long time friend, Dr. Gary Parker.
We are happy to have Gary visit RMCF and give us another excellent
talk. Gary will also be speaking at the RMCF/ICR science conference
the next day at the Colorado Community Church.
The title of Dr. Parker’s talk this October will be Florida
Fossil's, an Ice Age and Hypercanes. Noah’s flood
cause massive destruction to the earth. Changes after the flood
cause an ensuing ice age and when warm moist air and cold dry air
collided, super hurricanes (Hypercanes) were formed. These were
massive in size and had winds over 300 miles per hour and more.
Fossils that formed in the Florida region during that time are a
result from these Hypercanes. You don’t want to miss this
Dr. Parker is a Professor of Biology at the Institute for Creation Research and an internationally renowned speaker on creation. He is also a speaker for Answers in Genesis.
Once an atheist who taught evolution to his biology students, he was very critical of Christians who compromised by denying a literal reading of Genesis. By doing this he had hoped to convert them to evolution. But they turned the tables on him.
Dr. Parker was previously the head of the Science Department at Clearwater Christian College (CCC) in Florida. He also served for twelve years on the science faculty of the Institute for Creation Research (ICR) in the San Diego area. Dr. Parker has worked with Ken Ham, founder and Executive Director of AIG, at some of the well-attended Answers in Genesis seminars. He has also conducted citywide Understanding Genesis conferences.
Gary was a co-presenter with Ken Ham in the popular video series, Answers in Genesis. He has appeared in numerous films and television programs and has lectured worldwide on creation. His most recent books are Exploring the World Around Us and The Fossils Book.
Dr. Parker and his wife Mary are currently hosting a Creation Adventure Museum near Arcadia, Florida. They conduct Creation Workshops, fossil hunting and Canoe trips on the Peace River. The Family Program and Home School credit is provided by Mrs. Mary Parker, Museum Curator, field paleontologist and Dry Bones co-author.