On Friday, August 10th, Rocky Mountain Creation Fellowship is presenting a talk from its President, Mr. Brian Catalucci. The title of Brian’s talk will be Our Founding Fathers: Were they Christian?
In 1993 Brian graduated with a MS in Computer Science and Engineering from the University of Colorado at Boulder. Brian is presently President of Rocky Mountain Creation Fellowship (RMCF) in Denver, Colorado and is a frequent speaker for RMCF on a variety of Creation Science topics, including Biblical Creation and the inerrancy of Scripture. He has appeared on both TV and radio shows on Creation Science topics. Brian is presently an adjunct speaker for Answers in Genesis.
Some look at the state of our nation and say the United States was never a Christian nation. Many claim that our founding fathers who established this nation were Deists, at best. Today, few claim that they were Christians at all. Brian states that not only did Christians found this country, but that God established the United States for very specific reasons. The answer to whether this nation was founded by Christians, guided and assisted by God, is extremely important. By knowing and understanding what kind of people wrote our Declaration of Independence and our Constitution, we can much easily interpret these documents and understand what they say and mean.
The Declaration of Independence, signed by the delegates to the Continental Congress, on July 4, 1776, stated that, "We hold these truths to be self evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness - That to secure these rights, governments are instituted among men...."
The Declaration of Independence acknowledges that mankind is created and that the Creator God bestows these rights. That means, that no man can take them away, and that government, instituted by God, is to protect those rights. By implication, government cannot deprive a person of those rights absent due process of law since they were given by God. Thus, God gave mankind free will, and a function of government is to protect the electorates exercise of free will. This idea is a Christian concept and was not pulled out of the air by atheistic founders.
As the concept is commonly understood today, the government has never passed a law implementing the "separation of church and state." The First Amendment simply states: "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof." Over the years, however, the Supreme Court and lower federal courts have reinterpreted this amendment in many ways. This reinterpretation of the Constitution has in effect become the "law" supposedly dictating the "separation of church and state." It has not always been this way.
For a long time after this country became a nation, the Supreme Court believed that this nation was a “Christian” nation and stated so it its decrees. Americans are taught that “taxation without representation” was the reason America separated from Great Britain; yet “taxation without representation” was only reason number seventeen out of the twenty-seven reasons given in the Declaration of Independence - it was not even in the top half, yet it's all that most ever hear. Never mentioned today are the numerous grievances condemning judicial activism - or those addressing moral or religious issues.
In his talk, Brian will show what the Founding Fathers of this
country stated and believed. We don’t have to listen to what
others have to say. We can hear it from the Founders themselves.
There is no cost for this RMCF engagement and a DVD will be available
after the talk.