Dr. Jobe Martin

Talk 1: The Scopes Trial and Inherit the Wind
Talk 2: The Incredible Creatures that Exist in the World
Date: July 13th, 7:00pm

Rocky Mountain Creation Fellowship is privileged to have as our July speaker, Dr. Jobe Martin Of Biblical Discipleship Ministries. Dr. Martin, a native of Bloomsburg, PA, was a biology major at Bucknell University and a 1966 graduate of the University of Pittsburgh Dental School. After spending two years in the Air Force, he established a private dental practice at NASA in Houston. Jobe and his wife, Jenna Dee, moved to Dallas in 1971 when he assumed a teaching post at the Baylor College of Dentistry.

In 1982, he made the decision to enroll at Dallas Theological Seminary. He graduated in 1986 with a Masters of Theology in Systematic Theology. Dr. Martin also has an Associates Degree in Business from Eastfield Community College in Dallas. Jobe is the author of the well renown book, the Evolution of a Creationist. Jobe has spoken at RMCF numerous years ago.

Dr. Jobe Martin has spent the last twenty years studying the topic of Biblical Creation vs. Evolution, and lectures frequently on the subject. He began his scientific career as a dentist, and a believer in Darwinian evolution, as he had been taught in numerous courses in high school, undergraduate school, and dental school. Some of his Christian students at the Baylor College of Dentistry challenged him to prove to them that evolution was a correct, complete and accurate explanation for the origin of the earth and all of its abundance of unique life forms.

As Dr. Martin studied the topic in order to educate these students in evolution, he began to see that most of the world is heavily indoctrinated from their earliest education to believe in an earth that was created billions of years ago in the Big Bang and life which evolved from non-life. Yet in reality there is very little scientific evidence to back up this version of origins. Over the course of the next decade, Dr. Martin became an expert on the subject, and has uncovered countless pieces of evidence that the Big Bang, evolution of life from non-life, and an earth billions of years old are simply not factually provable, and are in fact, somewhat incredible.

As president of Biblical Discipleship Ministries, Jobe is a frequent speaker on topics such as "Creation vs. Evolution", "Marriage and the Family", "Discipleship", "Biblical Prophecy", and "The New Age Movement".

Dr Martin will be speaking twice that Friday evening. His first topic will be on The Scopes Trial and Inherit the Wind. This talk discusses the deception that the schools do with both that trial and movie. Many public schools are showing and acting out in drama the old Spencer Tracy movie, Inherit the Wind. Jobe stated that at one of the NEA conventions he attend with Answers in Genesis, one of the fellows from AIG that worked with him in the booth had seen Inherit the Wind while in high school and one of the reasons he would not become a Christian was due to that movie.

Jobe will discuss in his second talk The incredible creatures that exist in the world. These marvels of God's Creation, animals whose incredibly complex design completely defies the ability of evolutionists to come up with any explanation for how the creature could have evolved to its present state.

Jobe is the person to whom you can ask many questions on how to present the creation - evolution debate to others who accept an evolutionary past and a old earth.

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