Rocky Mountain Creation Fellowship is privileged to have as our
June speaker, Mr. Mike Riddle from Answers
in Genesis. Mike is a staff speaker for AIG and currently travels
around the country teaching and delivering seminars on the Biblical
and scientific truths of creation. Mike has a degree in Mathematics,
a graduate degree in Education and has been involved in the Creation
ministry for 25 years and he states that he has three very cute
grandchildren. Mike's background in creation ministry includes:
• Developing and presenting equipping courses that train students
(high school and above) to defend Biblical creation in public school
science classrooms.
• Developing an education and training program on creation
science on the Internet for the Institute for Creation Research,
which is now available at
• Teaching at the Institute for Creation Research graduate
school and the Northwest Graduate School of the Ministry.
• Speaking at Christian Leaders Conferences around the country
on the importance of Creation to church doctrine.
• Conducting seminars on many topics concerning Creation/evolution
at all levels (primary grades through adult).
Mike has also been in the computer field for over 25 years and worked
for such companies as Microsoft, US Sprint, and Unisys. He was a
captain in the US Marine Corps and a national champion in track
and field (the Decathlon).
Mike will be speaking twice on Friday evening.
His first talk at 7 PM is titled: Cloning, Stem Cells and
the Bible. This lecture explains the concepts of cloning
and what has gone wrong. It discusses the difference between the
two types of stem cells and current research. The lecture finishes
by showing that the Bible and the scientific evidence confirm life
begins at conception. A powerful Pro-Life talk.
Mike's next talk that evening will be Astronomy and the
Bible. This is one of the most difficult topics for Christians
to understand and accept. However, this lecture brings it to a level
for the lay person. All we hear is the big bang and that the universe
is billions of years old. This lecture separates speculation
from facts. Topics include: laws of science and the origin
of the universe, how do galaxies form the origin of stars, how to
evaluate the evidence for the age of the universe, new amazing evidence
that the universe is not that old, and why it matters what we believe
about the origin of the universe.
Come and learn from these two talks by Mike on June 8th starting
at 7 PM sharp. There is no cost for this presentation and for the
refreshments that will be served after the meeting. Please join
RMCF for this powerful lecture series.
The RMCF lending library is always available at the RMCF monthly
meetings. All members of RMCF are invited to check out videos from
the library at no cost. DVD’s of the current monthly speaker
are available after the talk concludes. Books are available for
sale at our book table in the fellowship hall. Please note that
you can join or extend your membership and donate to RMCF online
at the RMCF website, Streaming video of past speakers to RMCF are
also available at the website.
Please make sure that you plan to attend the RMCF sponsored
event by ICR on September 15th. Many of the many prominent scientists
in the Creation field will be there.