RMCF is privileged to have as our May speaker, Mr. Pete
Fiske. Pete Fiske has a BSc. in mechanical engineering
and has worked in the shipbuilding and computer consulting industries.
Pete is a former agnostic who attributes his former
skepticism about Christianity to a belief in evolutionism
that was dogmatically taught to him as a child in the tax-funded
public schools.
While still an agnostic in college in the mid 1980s, Mr. Fiske began
to realize that there were many inherent weaknesses in the Darwinian
arguments being that were being presented. He began an intensive
20 year personal search for the truth on the origins issue by objectively
examining all of the available scientific evidence. The
more he examined the evidence the more shaken his faith in Darwinism
Pete’s talk is titled, The Power of Creation Evangelism. There was a time in America not so long ago when people could leave their doors unlocked when they went somewhere,; even leave their keys in their cars without much of any worry of having someone take off with their car. Nowadays no one in their right mind would consider doing these things yet there was once-upon-a-time in this nation when people didn't worry about dishonesty and grand larceny! In the last 40 years our nation has seen a significant paradigm shift in terms of the core values and beliefs of our culture. At one time, God, the Bible, and the Ten Commandments were revered, even by non-believers.
Not long ago, traditional methods of evangelism were quite effective in bringing the lost to salvation in Christ, but our nation has become ever more evolutionized. Traditional methods of evangelism have become increasingly ineffective as new generation of young people have become ever-more hardened to the message of the Gospel as now two generations have gone through a public educational system that teaches Charles Darwin's 19th century materialistic creation story as science.
This is why the Church needs to look at new ways of evangelism if they hope to reach this evolutionized culture for Christ. Creation Evangelism shares the entire message of the Gospel, building its foundation on the truth of scripture from the very first verses of Genesis. The time for the Body of Christ to learn about Creation Evangelism has come!