Jack’s Back! Rocky Mountain Creation Fellowship is privileged to have back as our January speaker, Mr. Bill Jack from Worldview Academy. Guess what. We still love Bill and he does an excellent job in presenting ideas we can use in presenting the truth of creation to the world and the Rocky Mountain Front Range in particular.
Worldview Academy is a non-denominational ministry dedicated to teaching parents and students to think and live in accord with a Biblical Worldview so that they can serve Christ and lead the culture.
Bill is an educator with 12 years experience in the public schools and 17 years as national representative for the Caleb Campaign, a creationist youth ministry. Bill currently is faculty advisor and lecturer for Worldview Academy.
Bill’s speaking engagement brings high attendance to our meetings and we bring him back once a year to speak and train our membership.
His topic for the January meeting is Strategy: What shall we do? In the past few weeks, a court decision has come down banning the teaching of Intelligent Design (ID) in a public school in Dover, PA. Although we as Christians do believe in an intelligent designer, this is not the best topic to teach in a public school.
Trying to get a high school science teacher, who is most likely to be an unbeliever, to teach an alternative to evolution such as ID or creation is like trying to get an atheist to teach a Bible class. It is a much better choice to teach good science in the classrooms.
Fraudulent evidences and fake finds have dominated the scientific community and the public school classrooms over the years. We should require public school teachers to teach that evolution is not a fact but only a theory. Both the scientific pros and cons of evolution should be taught. In other words, good science. This would be a more truthful approach to the teaching of evolution in the public school setting and would be legal.
Bill and Worldview Academy have put out many excellent videos to help Christians defend their faith. Videos such as Simple Tools for Brain Surgery, Wizards vs. Wiseman, and his newest video, The Emperor’s New Clothes will be available at the RMCF Bookstore.