Dr. Dan Korow

Homeostatic Feedback Mechanisms - A Wonder of Creation
Date: March 10th, 7:00pm

Rocky Mountain Creation Fellowship is privileged to have as our March speaker, Dr. Dan Korow from the Alpha Omega Institute (AOI).

Dr. Korow earned a BS degree in Biology from the University of Akron and a Doctorate in Veterinary Medicine from the Ohio State University in 1990. After more than seven years of small animal practice in Akron, Ohio, he and his wife Andrea moved to Grand Junction, CO in early 1998.

They soon met Dave and Mary Jo Nutting and realized God’s call on their lives to share the love of their Creator, Jesus. Dan joined the staff of the Alpha Omega Institute in September of 1998. They are now raising support and ministering full time primarily in Western Colorado as well as nationwide.

The Alpha Omega Institute is a non-profit ministry founded in 1984. AOI is dedicated to strengthening Christians and reaching unbelievers by exposing the fallacies of evolution. The Institute defends the literal, historical and scientific accuracy of the Bible.

AOI also helps believers understand the foundational importance of the book of Genesis to all Christian doctrine, especially our need for a Savior, Jesus Christ.

The title of Dr. Korow’s talk that evening is Homeostatic Feedback Mechanisms - A Wonder of Creation. Dr. Korow will explore the wonderful feedback mechanisms of the human body, without which, the body would not function at all.

Dr. Korow utilizes his medical background and experiences to share the intricate design of the amazing human body. This is a journey into the wonderful temple God has given everyone of us.

The Scriptures teach us that we are fearfully and wonderfully made and everyone has this unique witnessing tool available as they share the love of Christ their Creator.

Dr. Korow has spoken a few times in the past at RMCF and we are happy to have him back for another speaking engagement.

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