Friday, June 10th at 7 PM Rocky Mountain Creation Fellowship is
presenting a talk from its’ President, Brian Catalucci. The
title of Brian’s talk will be Aliens and UFOs.
In 1994 Brian graduated with a Master of Science in Computer Science and Engineering from the University of Colorado at Boulder. Brian is presently President of Rocky Mountain Creation Fellowship (RMCF) in Denver, Colorado (www.youngearth.org) and is a frequent speaker for RMCF and other organizations on a variety of Creation Science topics, including Biblical Creation and the inerrancy of Scripture. He has appeared on both TV and radio shows on Creation Science topics.
Ever since businessman Kenneth Arnold stated that he saw nine saucer shaped objects in the sky near Mt. Rainier back in 1947, people have been fascinated by UFO’s. The search for little green men has taken on a life of its’ own. Around that time, back in 1947, evolution was starting to be taken as fact instead of theory. Then, people concluded, with NASA carrying the ball, if life evolved on the earth, then life should also have evolved elsewhere in the universe. Since the rest of the universe is over 14 billion years old, there must exist races of aliens who are millions of years ahead of us in technology and understanding. Since then, our culture has been devolving because of this evolutionary science fiction. Even though very competent and trustworthy people have seen these “flying saucers” over the years, why have we not come any closer to solving this Alien and UFO mystery?
Brian believes we are looking in the wrong place for the answer. Instead of looking out at the universe for the answer, we need to look right here on earth. This UFO phenomenon is all an “elaborate masquerade”. Why is this true? Because these so called aliens have claimed that they are the creators of life on earth, not the God of the Bible. They state they started the process of evolution (panspermia), not this God who said He created everything out of nothing., in days and not billions of years.
When we start receiving messages and ideas from so called aliens
that they did the creating and not God, we should, as Christians,
be on the alert. There is something much more deceptive
and sinister going on here. You may be surprised by who
is behind it all. We need to get to the bottom of this whole alien
visitation and abduction mess in a Biblical way and see
it for the gigantic lie that it really is. There is a solution
to the Alien and UFO mystery.