Rocky Mountain Creation Fellowship is privileged to have as our February speaker, Dr. Jason Lisle from Answers in Genesis. Dr. Lisle has a PhD in Astrophysics from the University of Colorado and a Bachelor's degree in both the sciences of Physics and Astronomy. Most practicing astronomers and astrophysicists believe in the big bang, a billions-of-years-old universe and other evolutionary ideas. But based on Scripture and the best interpretation of the scientific evidence, they are simply wrong, according to Dr. Jason Lisle, AiG-USA’s newest speaker and researcher. Dr. Lisle is helping AiG (and the creation movement as a whole) refute the evolutionary account of origins—using his strong science background. He will also help design exciting planetarium programs for the future Creation Museum in Northern Kentucky (near Cincinnati, Ohio). Dr. Lisle is not the stereotypical ‘egg-head’ research scientist who has difficulty communicating at a layman’s level. Jason has been a member of RMCF for numerous years and we welcome him back.
At the university level, Jason discovered that an important element in scientific study and the drawing of conclusions was this: that scientists usually are not aware of their presuppositions (i.e. they interpret scientific evidence in light of their existing worldview). It thus made it easier for him to see that intelligent scientists, many who were his professors, can disagree on what the evidence really means, for they have different starting points. So as he read creation materials, he could see that when the evidence was properly interpreted, it always supported the biblical account of creation (even with the thorny question of starlight and time). In graduate school, Dr. Lisle developed a passion to share the message that God’s Word is true from the very first verse. He began giving talks encouraging people to trust in the Bible and not compromise with the secular ideas of millions of years of evolution.
Jason will be speaking twice that Friday evening. His first talk will be titled Big Problems with The Big Bang. After the first talk there will be a short break and then he will speak again. The title of his second talk will be Distant Starlight: Not A Problem For A Young Universe. Jason will present strong evidence that the universe and solar system are thousands of years old, not billions as described in secular, evolutionary journals and teaching. Also evidence that stars and the solar system could not form spontaneously the way evolutionary astronomers propose. Jason will discuss the distant starlight problem and the strengths and weakness of various models proposed to solve this problem. Jason will be available to answer your individual questions after his talk. Be sure not to miss this challenging presentation, and an opportunity to meet Jason in person. Please come early and get seated! There is no cost for this engagement. If you are interested in becoming a member of RMCF, please call RMCF at 303 525-5500 , see us at the meeting or send us an email at [email protected]. See you there!