January 14th Speaker, Bill Jack

Jack's Back!

Rocky Mountain Creation Fellowship is privileged to have back as our January speaker, Mr. Bill Jack from Worldview Academy. Worldview Academy is a non-denominational ministry dedicated to teaching parents and students to think and live in accord with a biblical worldview so that they can serve Christ and lead the culture.

Bill is an educator with 11 years experience in the public schools and 16 years as national representative for the Caleb Campaign, a creationist youth ministry. Bill currently is faculty advisor and lecturer for Worldview Academy, which is dedicated to training Christians around the country to think and act consistently with a Biblical worldview.

Bills’ speaking engagement brings out high attendance at the meeting. His topic for the January meeting is Counterfeit Reality: Only Christians Can Detect True Reality. With the advent of digital technology, con-artists and spin-meisters can now create their own reality.

In the recent Presidential campaign images of Sen. John Kerry standing next to Jane Fonda at a 1970's anti-Vietnam War rally and a picture of President George Bush reading to a child while holding the book upside down were circulated on the internet. Both were doctored, counterfeit images. The media is now trying to find the technology to expose such frauds before they receive widespread credibility. Only those who are students of history and reality know the truth.

So it is with the creation/evolution controversy. Fraudulent evidences and fake finds have dominated the scientific community and the public school classrooms over the years. Christians need to be sleuths and detectives of the first order so that they are not duped by bogus claims of reality. Come discover the real reality and how to expose the counterfeit reality being foisted upon our culture. Learn to get the truth out.

Bill and Worldview Academy have put out many excellent videos to help Christians defend their faith. Videos such as Simple Tolls for Brain Surgery, Wizards vs. Wiseman, and his newest video, The Emperors New Clothes will be available at the RMCF Bookstore.

Bill will be available to answer your individual questions after his talk. Be sure not to miss this challenging presentation and an opportunity to meet Bill in person. There will be free refreshments after the meeting in our fellowship hall.

If you are interested in becoming a member of RMCF, please call RMCF at (303) 525-5500 or email us at [email protected]. Please come early and get seated!

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